...::: Republika Marzeń - wilczarz irlandzki w sztuce :::...

"The Empty Chair"  by O.B. MacCammon (1912)

"Silent Sympathy"  by Herbert Dicksee (1894)

Another John Sargent Noble picture, dated 1880

"End of the Hunt"

"Imprisoned"  by Briton Riviere.
Engraved by Sam Cousins in 1880

"The Spinney Woodsman"  by Mike Sibley

"Wolfhounds at Home in Their Native Land"  by Phil. E. Stretton (1898)

"Vigilant"  Rosalind Trigg

"Comrades"  by Herbert Dicksee

"Orphans"  by William Frank Calderon, 1893
Two terrier puppies being cared for by Patrick, the artist's Irish Wolfhound

"Irish Wolfhound"  by John Sargent Noble, 1881

"The Fire Worshippers"  Herbert Dicksee's

Herbert Thomas Dicksee

"The Empty Chair"  by Briton Riviere, RA

Herbert Thomas Dicksee

Brian Hupfield

"Time For a Guinness"  by John Baker

"Girl by sundial"

"Lakeland View"  by Steven Nesbitt

"The Secret Garden"  Herbert Dicksee's

"Night Hunter"  Rosalind Trigg

Herbert Thomas Dicksee

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